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This adorable little mouse could have been posing for the camera while sitting in this tulip.

The cute critter turned around and looked directly at the camera of photographer Miles Herbert near his home in Bournemouth earlier this month.

While he looks as snug as a bug in the plant, the harvest mouse wasn’t simply having a rest, but was doing something slightly more destructive.

The tiny creature climbed inside the tulip flower to eat the stamen inside before climbing back out and continuing its foraging.

This adorable little mouse could have been posing for the cameraouth while sitting in this tulip near the home of Miles Herbert in Bournem

This adorable little mouse could have been posing for the camera while sitting in this tulip near the home of Miles Herbert in Bournemouth

The cute critter wasn't resting, but had climbed into the flower to eat the delicious stamen that was hidden inside, with the photos taken earlier this month

The cute critter wasn’t resting, but had climbed into the flower to eat the delicious stamen that was hidden inside, with the photos taken earlier this month

Miles said: 'She can be seen eating to stamens, then cleaning herself to remove some pollen and water before climbing out of the tulip'

Miles said: ‘She can be seen eating to stamens, then cleaning herself to remove some pollen and water before climbing out of the tulip’

Miles, 57, said: ‘The mouse looks so smug having climbed in there and got food.

‘She can be seen eating to stamens, then cleaning herself to remove some pollen and water before climbing out of the tulip.

‘Mice are the smallest UK rodent and the only British mammal to have a prehensile tail to help it climb up stalks and branches.

‘This agility makes it easy for them to climb the flower stems.

‘These endearing little creatures are so photogenic and so full of character.’

The harvest mouse, which is the UK's smallest rodent, almost looks like it was posing as it stares directly at Miles' camera

The harvest mouse, which is the UK’s smallest rodent, almost looks like it was posing as it stares directly at Miles’ camera

Miles was bewitched by the sweet animal, saying: 'These endearing little creatures are so photogenic and so full of character'

Miles was bewitched by the sweet animal, saying: ‘These endearing little creatures are so photogenic and so full of character’

It is the only mammal in the UK to have a strong prehensile tail, something that helps it climb up branches and stalks in search of food

It is the only mammal in the UK to have a strong prehensile tail, something that helps it climb up branches and stalks in search of food

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